Saturday, 12 March 2011

Encore! Showgirls Redone!

Another update of my recent painting exploits.

I recently got to thinking that I had managed to make a huge step forward with my painting eyes and faces and I also didn't like the bases I'd done for my Showgirls crew. I'm playing them more and more as I learn something new every time so I decided to start and strip back the ones I had painted and try again with new bases.

I bought bases from Fenris games after seeing the bases James had got from them. Excellent price (£3.99 for 12 30mm resin bases) and their shipping was really fast too (next day!)

So as a refresher this is how she looked originally...


and heres how she looks with a new lick of paint and the new wooden floorboard bases.


The light is making it look a bit shiny but overall happy with how she came out.

Heres a close up on the face during the painting


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